People keep trying one-size-fits-all techniques again and again because so-called experts know how to re-package them to look new and sound real. Then, they give you the same old tired rhetoric “it’s been helping people for thousands of years” or “it’s proven by science“. And again, you buy into it because like most people you really want the best for yourself and the people you care about. So you don’t give up, you keep trying.
And this new ‘thing’ the psychologists, religious leaders or Internet gurus are selling might really work, for a short period of time if you’re lucky. But when your luck has run out, you will still end up with a big load of disappointment.
I applaud you for not giving up.
But instead of buying into another load of crap from the next
so-called Guru, try something that fits you as an individual.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s something in family life, sports, business or in the arts, you must have a tailored approach to help you create the changes you desire. Because you are unique. I mean it and can prove it.
Thousands try to be one of the top world athletes; millions try to be successful financially, have great relationships, and look and feel great while others try to reach stardom in the performing arts. TV’s American Idol is a great example of the stampede to stardom. But only the top one or two finalists (1%) achieve success in their careers.
Only 1-2% of the population feel they’ve been helped by
Psychology / Psychiatry
Life Coaches
Self-Help Books & Recordings
Etc. Etc. Etc …
1% of the population is Hardwired for Success. Lucky them.
97% of the population is out of luck. They’re not hardwired for success, but could be.
What do you keep hearing on the news? That damn 1%. They have all the money, property hell, they’ve got everything.
Every year, hundreds of new self-help books and recordings are published. New age, old age, magical music, new meditation techniques, mindfulness. Again, all new repackaging.
Why so many each year? Because the old ones don’t work!
Over $15 billion are spent each year on self-help gimmicks. That doesn’t even include all the life coaches, psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, hypnotherapists and all the other therapists which would probably double the figure that’s been spent on self-help products and services.
A lot of hard-earned money is spent when the odds are, about 97-1 against you, in regard to achieving your goals.
The fact is that all the modalities above are one-size-fits-all.
Our solution is a process that is fitted do you not you to the process.
“The Bartell Process is the most powerful tool created for behavior modification in the last hundred years.” - Peter R. de Vries, Award-Winning Investigative Journalist
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." - unknown author
Copyright © 1996-2024 J Bartell – Behaviorist • Writer • Consultant